3x5 Sage Green & Beige Modern Oushak Area Rug
3x5 Sage Green & Beige Modern Oushak Area Rug
3x5 Sage Green & Beige Modern Oushak Area Rug
3x5 Sage Green & Beige Modern Oushak Area Rug
3x5 Sage Green & Beige Modern Oushak Area Rug
3x5 Sage Green & Beige Modern Oushak Area Rug

3x5 Sage Green & Beige Modern Oushak Area Rug

3'6"x4'9"       #1204005

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Create a new focal point in your home decor with the addition of this stylish oushak rug. This gray rug will fit into any existing color scheme or decor. Wool rugs are naturally fire resistant to add safety and security to your home. Area rugs come in a variety of different sizes to fit into any room. Keep your floors at their best by covering them with this area rug. Create a contemporary look in your living room with this modern rug.

Age & Style Modern Oushak
Material Wool
Color Scheme Soft
Size Group 3x5
Dimensions 3'6"x4'9"
Serial Number 1204005
Matching Pantone Colors

* Based on computed approximation, no guarantee for color correctness

5803 C
5845 C
7536 C
Warm Gray 3 C
15-0533 TCX

Returns: Returns Accepted Within 30 Days of Delivery.

Cancellations: Online orders can be modified or canceled within 24 hours of placing the order. Because we may begin processing your order immediately, it may not be possible to modify or cancel existing orders even within 24 hours of placement.

Please Note: The images we display have the most accurate color possible. Due to differences in computer monitors, we cannot be responsible for variations in color between the actual product and your screen. Please be advised that in some cases patterns and colors may vary according to size. Lengths and widths may vary from the published dimensions. We do our best to provide you with an accurate measurement, but please be advised that some variation exists and this is not a manufacturing defect.